GiveSafe Mobile Apps

FoodCircles 2.1.0
Your hunger is powerful. Do somethingsimple,and yet truly extraordinary with it.FoodCircles lets you try a dish at a local restaurant for $1ormore, and sends 100% of your purchase to provide one (ormore)hungry children dinner. Every $1 you spend feeds one child,via thehunger nonprofit of your choice.Once you make a purchase, simply show the server of yourchosenrestaurant to redeem alongside regularly purchased food ordrink.You can buy vouchers for friends, strangers, and of course,foryour own dinner plans.---"That’s the most convenient part about FoodCircles; you don’thaveto go out of your way to help a life-changing organization."–"The app lets users buy a local special — an appetizer ordessert— for $1 and donates 100 percent of the purchase to eitherWorldVision to feed kids in West Africa or Kids' Food Basket tofeed kidslocally."–“I have kids of my own and so I think about others who may notbeas fortunate as my family is. We need to help where we can anddowhatever little bit we can.” – Shaun Wooden GM Red JetCafe, Food Circles, Food Circle, restaurants, food,deals,google one, vegan, activism, volunteer